I was in the delivery room with these fine ladies.
Picture from 2010. Lindsey and her mom, Cindy. |
It was a magical, surreal, beautiful, spiritual day. When I met her and her mom at the hospital on September 10, 2011, I remember thinking, "Oh, please be born today and not the 11th."
I remember what I was doing 12 years ago on September 11. I was serving a mission for my church. I entered Andras Bacsi's home for an early dinner he was providing for us and he was watching the news. I had only been in the country for a short time, so I was very unable to keep up with the Hungarian that was coming from the television. I saw the plane crash into the first tower. They kept showing it and my heart sunk every single time. We sat and watched and I was so sad. "This wasn't an accident" I told my companion, Sister Neal. Andras Bacsi turned it to an English channel so we could understand what was going on, but even that early on, it seemed that they didn't know. We turned the tv off and solemnly continued our day. That night we knew plenty more details. We were regularly stopped on the streets by Hungarians asking if we were ok, if our families were safe...the concern was so kind, sincere, and endeared me to them ever more. Though I was residing out of the United States of America, my heart continued to be here. September 11, which was once a day of sadness for me, turned into a sacred day when people from all over the world united together. Admist tragedy, it was beautiful.
One year ago, Micah was born. I was visiting teaching Heather when I received a phone call from my mother-in-law. "Jenny. Lindsey's in labor." I was excited. So excited. Admittedly, I also had a pain in my heart for a friend who had just lost her own baby boy. I felt like the timing was a little unfair to her. Yet, here he was coming...and Lindsey was in labor. I left the house, after exchanging rushed and excited hugs, set up what I needed to for Callie and Sammy, and headed 1.5 hours north to the hospital. What a blessing to live so close to each other! My friend, Amy, was watching Callie for me. She called and I pulled over on the side of the freeway to answer. Every time I pass that spot, I remember that day, that phone call, that moment.
I wasn't sure how it would go being in the hospital with Lindsey and her mom. But it was amazing. Nearly 12 hours of labor we spent together. And, on September 11, 20112 Micah was born. That day, a nurse told me that 21 babies had been born. Twenty One! I remember thinking that life really goes on. And not in the trite way, "Life goes on, get over it." No. In the beautiful majestic grandeur of creation....tragedy will come, but life...beating hearts, first breaths, and new LIFE....continues.
Today will always be a sacred day to me.
A day the world pulled together.
A day a woman laid her pride, pain, and entire self on the alter.
A day she handed me her son.
A day Samantha and Callie gained a brother.
A day Marcus and I became parents to #3.
A day angels stood packed in that delivery room, so that all could only feel immense love.
A sacred day.
A day of sacrifice...and love.