I enjoy music. There was a point when I knew just about every song on the radio. That's not the case anymore. I do like some popular music. And everyone knows that I love Jack Johnson. But, I also really like the music that not many people know about. There's this satisfaction of knowing a group before they get big...and then they get big...and sometimes they change, and it's different. The magic for me is gone. Until I find a new band. When I was teaching, students would always give me cds to listen to, "Mrs. Green, I think you'll really like these guys. Tell me what you think." I loved that part of teaching! What a perk. My brother-in-law, Scott, has also been known to introduce me to some new music. A few years ago, when Marcus got me my iPod, Scotty shared some of his musical taste with me. We do have some, if not a lot, of the same musical taste, so I was grateful. Honestly though, I didn't give all of it a real listen to right away. But, lately, I stumbled across Ben Kweller -- one of the artists Scotty tried to introduce me to years ago. When I came across this song, Falling, I didn't go on. I listened to it over and over and over again until I memorized all the words. I tend to be a little obsessive when it comes to songs. And it's a great activity to do while I'm running. It keeps my mind focused on something else while my legs just go. Anyway, for the next little bit, I'm going to expose you all to the genius of Ben Kweller's Falling -- as it will be the only song running on this blog for a couple weeks. I haven't moved on from this song, so I don't really know too much of Kweller's other lyrical jewels. One day, though, I assure you, I will listen and see if he's my own one hit wonder, if there are other songs that I love.
One day, I hope to be able to learn to play this on the guitar. How cool would that be?! So, enjoy the tunes. It's catchy, don't you think?
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Facing Life Forward
Before moving to Spokane, I am trying to get in all of Samantha's last appointments. This is no simple task because the girl has a football team worth of doctors, therapists, etc, that monitor her progress and medications. Today, she had her 2 year check up with the pediatrician. I debated if it was worth going or not considering she was seen yesterday by her neurologist and her occupational therapy. During those appointments we were able to retest her progress (she's sitting between 10-14 months on the charts depending on what area of development you are testing for) and go over her medications. She was weighed and all that stuff too. So, why go to our pediatrician? I don't know. I like him. He's been great to Samantha and Callie both. And, I felt like I couldn't skip out of some of these "normal" things. So I went. And boy am I glad I did.
As some of you know, for the past year I have been trying so hard to get Samantha to gain weight. None of her doctors are concerned that she is 2 years old and 17 lbs...and medically speaking, I'm not either. BUT, I want her to gain 3 lbs so I can move that car seat around! Over the past few months I've tried replacing milk with cream, using avocados, pediasure, the list goes on people! Nothing is working. In despair, I asked Dr. Willmore, "I already know the answer, but I'm going to ask anyway. Are the restrictions for carseats solid? Does Samantha have to be 20 lbs before we can turn her seat around?" I knew he'd tell me that the safest thing for her is to stay rear-facing, but I had to ask. So you can imagine my sheer shock and joy when he told me that he thought it was fine if I turned her seat around. AH! As soon as we got home, I moved that seat around, and I have to say, I think she enjoys it much better. Thank you Dr. Willmore!
and being pulled around the apartment. It's quite the ride!Obviously this isn't Samantha in her car seat, but she sure loves sitting in this box
Monday, July 21, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Bryan's Home!
We are currently in CA with the sole purpose of seeing Bryan after 2 years of serving as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He's been working hard in England and we're happy to have him back home. Today Scott and Arlene came down with the kids so Scott could take some family pictures. Ok, I can't find the good ones, but here are two.
These are the "kids". For the record, I didn't know these pictures were being taken.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
A Load Off My Back
...and hips, and thighs, and tummy, and face. It's true. I've lost some weight. And I wasn't going to write about it until I was at my goal weight, but my friend just wrote about a goal she has, and it's similar to mine, so I thought I'd just write about it now -- as encouragment I suppose.
When I was in Michigan picking up Callie, I gained a lot of weight. A lot. And the truth is, I never took off all my pregnancy weight from Samantha -- TWO YEARS AGO -- and I gained A LOT with her. 50 pounds. And Sammy was a small baby! Sure after she was born I lost 18 lbs in about 3 days, but the last 10 didn't peel off. Then with the added weight in MI, I was just big for me. And I had it. I was sick of not fitting into my clothes, of not liking what I say in the mirror, blah blah blah. Plus, I just wanted to be healthy. I suppose that's what sparked the whole 1/2 marathon idea.
My original goal was to lose weight before Scotty and Annie's wedding. I didn't want to have wedding pictures around where my face looked like a marshmellow and my tummy with an innertube around it. In 2 weeks, I lost 7 pounds! Woa! I was very encouraged. I basically ate a ton of veggies. (If you want an in depth plan, I can let you know. I answer all inquiries.) Then I went to CA for Scotty and Annie's wedding and nothing happened for about 3 weeks -- eating treats but watching calories. No more weight loss, but no weight gain.
My next goal was to finish the weight loss by the time Bryan got home from his mission. I started to exercise regularly by running and using weights. Weights make a huge difference -- I highly recommend them. I just did a weight routine at home when I had time, in between each spoonful of food for Samantha, squatting with Callie as my weight, just fitting it in where I could. Usually after running I do my a real arm workout. I have a thing with arms. It's been really fun and encouraging to see my body change.
I've lost a total of 15 lbs. I'm 5 lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight, so I'm excited about that. But my body still looks so different than before I was pregnant. I'd like to lose 5 more pounds so I'll be around my highschool weight. I guess I'd have to lose about 8 more pounds to be fully there, but I'm not trying to be 18, just fit and healthy again. Pounds only give me an indication of that target. So, 5 more and I'll be doing alright. Hopefully I can get a bit more tone and be feeling great.
I had gone back and forth about posting all this. Yes, it's an accomplishment, but that means I have to confess to the world that I was actually 15-20 overweight. But how many of us have weight we want to lose? So, I thought maybe it could be encouraging. I wasn't going to post it until I was right where I wanted to be, but then when Jessica said she needed some encouragment, I thought I'd just proclaim it to the world now: I'm 15 lbs lighter and feeling so much better!
When I was in Michigan picking up Callie, I gained a lot of weight. A lot. And the truth is, I never took off all my pregnancy weight from Samantha -- TWO YEARS AGO -- and I gained A LOT with her. 50 pounds. And Sammy was a small baby! Sure after she was born I lost 18 lbs in about 3 days, but the last 10 didn't peel off. Then with the added weight in MI, I was just big for me. And I had it. I was sick of not fitting into my clothes, of not liking what I say in the mirror, blah blah blah. Plus, I just wanted to be healthy. I suppose that's what sparked the whole 1/2 marathon idea.
My original goal was to lose weight before Scotty and Annie's wedding. I didn't want to have wedding pictures around where my face looked like a marshmellow and my tummy with an innertube around it. In 2 weeks, I lost 7 pounds! Woa! I was very encouraged. I basically ate a ton of veggies. (If you want an in depth plan, I can let you know. I answer all inquiries.) Then I went to CA for Scotty and Annie's wedding and nothing happened for about 3 weeks -- eating treats but watching calories. No more weight loss, but no weight gain.
My next goal was to finish the weight loss by the time Bryan got home from his mission. I started to exercise regularly by running and using weights. Weights make a huge difference -- I highly recommend them. I just did a weight routine at home when I had time, in between each spoonful of food for Samantha, squatting with Callie as my weight, just fitting it in where I could. Usually after running I do my a real arm workout. I have a thing with arms. It's been really fun and encouraging to see my body change.
I've lost a total of 15 lbs. I'm 5 lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight, so I'm excited about that. But my body still looks so different than before I was pregnant. I'd like to lose 5 more pounds so I'll be around my highschool weight. I guess I'd have to lose about 8 more pounds to be fully there, but I'm not trying to be 18, just fit and healthy again. Pounds only give me an indication of that target. So, 5 more and I'll be doing alright. Hopefully I can get a bit more tone and be feeling great.
I had gone back and forth about posting all this. Yes, it's an accomplishment, but that means I have to confess to the world that I was actually 15-20 overweight. But how many of us have weight we want to lose? So, I thought maybe it could be encouraging. I wasn't going to post it until I was right where I wanted to be, but then when Jessica said she needed some encouragment, I thought I'd just proclaim it to the world now: I'm 15 lbs lighter and feeling so much better!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Running Continued...
Tonight I ran 7 miles, and during this run, I learned a lot. More things that make running easier, tips if you will, for the beginner.
3) It's easier to run when you have good music to push you along.
4) Don't run the hard hill when you are at the end of your run. If you do it by accident, that's one thing, but deciding to do it, that's just stupid.
5) There is a certain point when you are running when the pain goes away. Then it becomes kind of exhilarating, it gets easier -- until the pain comes back again anyway. Because it does.
6) When you start to see your body changing, for the better, that is always encouraging and makes running easier, because you see some results.
That's good enough for tonight. I had a lot more reasons while I was running, but oh well. I'm nervous that I won't be ready in time for this 1/2 marathon in August. My goals are that I finish it, which I think I can do, and that I'm not the last one...which I really hope I can accomplish. We'll see.
AND, I have some pretty awesome video of Samantha walking and if I can figure out how to post it, I surely will. It's adorable! I'm sorry, but I just have the cutest kids!
3) It's easier to run when you have good music to push you along.
4) Don't run the hard hill when you are at the end of your run. If you do it by accident, that's one thing, but deciding to do it, that's just stupid.
5) There is a certain point when you are running when the pain goes away. Then it becomes kind of exhilarating, it gets easier -- until the pain comes back again anyway. Because it does.
6) When you start to see your body changing, for the better, that is always encouraging and makes running easier, because you see some results.
That's good enough for tonight. I had a lot more reasons while I was running, but oh well. I'm nervous that I won't be ready in time for this 1/2 marathon in August. My goals are that I finish it, which I think I can do, and that I'm not the last one...which I really hope I can accomplish. We'll see.
AND, I have some pretty awesome video of Samantha walking and if I can figure out how to post it, I surely will. It's adorable! I'm sorry, but I just have the cutest kids!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
It's Official...
...I'm running/jogging/trotting the Provo River 1/2 Marathon! (That's 13.1 miles for all of you who do not know.) Hopefully all goes well. It's a month from today. AH. I'm excited and really nervous. I got a confirmation email today that told my my bib number. I can't wait to pin that to my shirt. How cool will that look?!
As I've been running, I've noticed some things that make the task a bit easier. Today, while pushing Callie in the stroller, two such things stood out to me.
1) Running without a stroller.
2) Running on a flat surface or downhill.
Yes, surely these things make running easier.
As I've been running, I've noticed some things that make the task a bit easier. Today, while pushing Callie in the stroller, two such things stood out to me.
1) Running without a stroller.
2) Running on a flat surface or downhill.
Yes, surely these things make running easier.
Monday, July 7, 2008
HIV Test
The first doctor appointment that I took Callie to in Michigan was ok. I didn't particularly like the pediatrician, but figured it would be fine for the time being. I felt like she rushed through everything and didn't listen to anything I said. (Next time, I'll go through the trouble of finding a different doctor, even if I think I'll only be going once more.) Before we left, she mentioned that at 6 months Callie would need an HIV test. After she was born, she and her birthmom both had HIV tests and they came back negative. However, the HIV virus takes 6 months to show up. It's possible that the mother had contracted the virus while she was pregnant and it hadn't shown up on her yet. I was worried, but decided to push it out of my cluttered and overwhelmed brain for the time being.
A few weeks ago, the worry came back. I knew she would be 6 months and we'd have to get the test. I took her to her check up last week and they took her blood, but we wouldn't know the results for a couple days. I didn't mention this to Marcus. What's the point of 2 people worrying when 1 will suffice? It's more efficient to have just me worry about the potential of having a daughter with microcephaly and another with HIV. Sheesh. The weekend, though fun, was miserable!
But, I just made the phone call and we have the results. The nurse couldn't have read the results more slowly! Anyway. Folks, Callie is HIV negative. What a relief. I know we could have handled it, and we would have, but if you don't have to, what a HUGE relief! (big sigh)
Callie with her friend Madilyn. We were able to spend some
time with some good old friends a few days ago.
It was great seeing you Ashley!
time with some good old friends a few days ago.
It was great seeing you Ashley!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Sad News
When I returned home from Hungary I took the one and only Hungarian class offered at BYU. My teacher, Xenia, was/is a native Hungarian. I loved hearing her speak -- the softness of her voice only intensified the beauty of the language. It brought me right back to Hungary. I loved it! It was also fun to be with some of my old missionary friends, read Hungarian literature, learn Hungarian history, etc. After that class was over, I rarely saw Xenia. I had heard she moved and had a baby.
Today, I received word that her husband was found dead along a river in New Jersey -- a kayaking accident. At 33 years old, he is dead, and Xenia is left not only to raise her child alone, but is left without her best friend. I interacted with Xenia for only one semester, but this has impacted me so deeply. Perhaps it's because she's Hungarian and I feel this protectiveness for Hungarians. Perhaps it's because I also have a husband and kids. Maybe it's both. All day I've been thinking about it and wondering what I can do. Of course, there's not much one can do in this situation. I have prayed throughout the day, and I did put her and her daughter's names on the prayer roll tonight in the temple. But, still. I'm unsatisfied.
I thought of what it would be like to be her. To call the police at 4:30am to report your husband missing. To find out they had found his kayak with all his personal information (wallet, cell phone, keys) remaining inside. To get a call from the police saying they found his body. To not know exactly what happened that led to...here. I can't imagine. My heart aches for her. If I were to lose Marcus, I would be an emotional mess. Sure I'd have to pick up the pieces of a shattered heart and spirit, because you have to, especially when you have kids to take care of, but I honestly don't know what I'd do -- how I'd pick up the pieces.
Tonight Marcus and I were in the temple and we did sealings. My appreciation and deep gratitude for the gospel was greatly amplified as we participated in these special ordinances. I am eternally grateful for the sealing power and what that means for my specific family, and for Xenia's. I am also grateful that Teryn lived his life in such a way that will leave his family proud. From what I know and have heard of him, he was incredible. I am grateful that he left a legacy of compassion, service, and faith. I hope I make decisions and live my life in a way that will have the same affects on those around me. Teryn, thank you for the example.
Xenia, nagyon sajnalom neked es Alexisnak. Egyutt lesztek ujra. Bisztos vagyok benne. Most, nem lesz konnyu, de jobb lesz, majd, amikor a szived meggyogyit. Szeretunk teged, es imadkozzunk erted.
Today, I received word that her husband was found dead along a river in New Jersey -- a kayaking accident. At 33 years old, he is dead, and Xenia is left not only to raise her child alone, but is left without her best friend. I interacted with Xenia for only one semester, but this has impacted me so deeply. Perhaps it's because she's Hungarian and I feel this protectiveness for Hungarians. Perhaps it's because I also have a husband and kids. Maybe it's both. All day I've been thinking about it and wondering what I can do. Of course, there's not much one can do in this situation. I have prayed throughout the day, and I did put her and her daughter's names on the prayer roll tonight in the temple. But, still. I'm unsatisfied.
I thought of what it would be like to be her. To call the police at 4:30am to report your husband missing. To find out they had found his kayak with all his personal information (wallet, cell phone, keys) remaining inside. To get a call from the police saying they found his body. To not know exactly what happened that led to...here. I can't imagine. My heart aches for her. If I were to lose Marcus, I would be an emotional mess. Sure I'd have to pick up the pieces of a shattered heart and spirit, because you have to, especially when you have kids to take care of, but I honestly don't know what I'd do -- how I'd pick up the pieces.
Tonight Marcus and I were in the temple and we did sealings. My appreciation and deep gratitude for the gospel was greatly amplified as we participated in these special ordinances. I am eternally grateful for the sealing power and what that means for my specific family, and for Xenia's. I am also grateful that Teryn lived his life in such a way that will leave his family proud. From what I know and have heard of him, he was incredible. I am grateful that he left a legacy of compassion, service, and faith. I hope I make decisions and live my life in a way that will have the same affects on those around me. Teryn, thank you for the example.
Xenia, nagyon sajnalom neked es Alexisnak. Egyutt lesztek ujra. Bisztos vagyok benne. Most, nem lesz konnyu, de jobb lesz, majd, amikor a szived meggyogyit. Szeretunk teged, es imadkozzunk erted.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
This Is What I Did by Ann Dee Ellis

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