I think Halloween is a fun time of year, and it's not just because of all the candy. It's just fun. Plain and simple. I debated for awhile trying to figure out what the girls should be for Halloween. Samantha was Cinderella and then Tinkerbell for her first 2 Halloweens. I definitely wanted Callie to be something cute and pretty but was completely unsatisfied with what I found. This Halloween may scar Callie for years to come...but this year the girls are being:
Samantha as Princess Leia

Callie as
Yes, we are going with the Star Wars theme. So will Marcus and I dress up following the theme? IF we dress up this year, I think it would be fun to be the Star Wars family, but I don't know. Who should we be? I found this test to see what Star Wars character you are.
http://www.gotoquiz.com/which_star_wars_character_are_you_1 I thought, How wonderfully perfect. A test will just tell me what character I should be. My results?
Jenny as Jar Jar Binks

And though Marcus wasn't here to take the test, I answered for him and his results were...
Marcus as Luke Skywalker

hmmm? Any suggestions? Though Jar Jar is quite happy and amusing, I'm not sure how I feel about dressing up as an incomprehensible blubbering reptile/amphibian-like creature.
Funny, thanks for sharing. Make sure you document that Halloween with lots of pictures for us to see the end results:)
no way! i'm busting up over here! dang, we are gonna miss you at our complex party this year!
I love Halloween as well. I think it fills the inner child in me that still wants to dress up. Funnily enough, I've been contemplating going as Jaba the Hut, so I'd fit right in with your family. Marcus can't go as Luke because, with Samantha as Leia, you run into some confusion--are they siblings or parent/child? :) You should positively not go as Jar Jar. I think you should go in gold as C3PO and Marcus could wear a blue bowl on his head and wrap a white sheet around him and go as R2D2. Or you could both go as ewoks. I think Marcus would make a stellar Darth Vadar. He is Leia's father. If you've got any suggestions as to what a big ol' pregnant girl could be for Halloween, shout it out. I've contemplated the Pilsbury Dough Boy with Dan as a chef and Reid as a cookie or something.
P.S. It's pretty sad when I can write a comment that long about Halloween costumes.
Oh, and by the way, I was Yoda (but Jar Jar came in 3rd for me, Luke was 2nd).
Emmi -- hm, never consider the relationship between Leia and Luke. Not good. We'll avoid that. I originally was thinking Darth Vader for Marcus actually because I htink it woudl be fairly easy. Just got to find the mask. And, I'm loving the idea of the Pillsbury Doughboy. Do it. The whole family ensemble is a crack up!
Hmmm, this is an excellent idea. I can see Marcus as a good Han Solo, too. I'm definitely liking this idea. I do think you betray your intelligence, though, as Jar-Jar.
I wonder, should Marcus take the test for you, would he come up with something a bit more romantic than Jar Jar? And should he take the test himself, might he come up with someone less romantic than Luke? Or more romantic, like Han? It's a great psychological dilemma . . .
I really love Star Wars, so I love the whole idea. I've always wanted to be Princess Leah. Halloween is one of my favorite times of year too--I love the Fall so much in general. Are you all settled now?
We're fairly settled in. We're all unpacked and moved in, but settled? I'm still figuring Spokane out. And you, you would be a perfect Princess Leia. You should do it!
that is awesome...I really wanted to be princess Leah, Laneah yoda and Brandon a storm trooper and had plans for a while now--- but things got too busy and we are just doing Laneah's costume this year (Peter Pan).
Well considering that I always thought Marcus looked like Mark Hammill/Luke Skywalker growing up, I think that's a perfect fit. :-) Though d-n-e has a good point about the parent/child thing...I could see him as a pretty good Han too.
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