In my attempt to start a new family tradition, we drove up to Green Bluff yesterday looking for a pumpkin patch. My idea was to pick out a pumpkin, have apple cider, donuts, and a fun hay ride. We got the hay ride...and good pictures. Where was the apple cider and donuts? No where to be found I tell you! Oh well, probably better anyway.
Marcus with his girls.
In the hay maze.
With those half-crazed eyes, it's as if she knows something that we don't know -- something scary.
Mommy and Sammy
Callie enjoying her throne of pumpkins.
Adriel loves seeing pictures of Samantha and baby Callie. We miss you guys!
It looks like it was almost as warm there yesterday as here. 85 degrees--we had our ward Halloween trunk or treat the the kids were just sweating in their costumes. I know this is sunny Cal but it isn't SoCal (I have done Halloween there too and then went to halloween in Littleton CO with 45 degree temps and sleet on the big night) but now I am just rambling. Sorry about the cider and donuts. I love the half crazed eyes.
Who doesn't have cider and donuts, that is the best part. Looks like a fun day. We have yet to get a pumpkin, maybe this week.
That pumpkin patch looks fun to me, at least there is fun people for sure! We miss those two cutie girls!
we went to the pumpkin patch too. it was little on the chilly side though. I love seeing pictures of you guys.
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