That's right folks. I'm not kidding. I looked over and saw this beast in the bathtub. It was stuck in there. Each time it tried to crawl up with its eight disgustingly long legs, it slipped back down. I was still pretty afraid that it would find its way out. Marcus was gone. I didn't know what to do. There was noooo way I was going near that thing. After all, I'm 29 years old and I still have my dad kill the little spiders I find when I'm at home. I just don't like them. So, what did I do? I grabbed Sammy and Callie and we headed to the office. That's right. The apartment complex management office. I walked in, and after a big "Hello Jenny" from our managers, I sheepishly declared my plight.
We got Travis, one of men who work here -- who also happens to be afraid of spiders (not that he admitted to that at the moment) to come over. Melissa and Mike from the office also came to check it out. I told them there was no way I was touching that...I mean what if it was dangerous. Then Travis said, we have 2 of the deadliest spiders in WA. If it's black or brown, you need to be careful. Great. Yep, it's a HUGE BROWN gross spider! After looking at it, he reassured me it was just a wood spider and it wasn't dangerous...but it was sure ugly. I was redeemed from my girly wimpyness when Travis, Melissa, and Mike came out of the bathroom screaming because it was so big. Phew. I'm not the only wimp.
you wouldn't make it here in the south!we get big spiders here everyday--along with other wierd large bugs that I have never seen until moving to the south. It is crazy to me that the bug guy comes every month and we still see a ton of bugs. Last time he was here he put down traps to see what bugs specifically we get so he can better spray for them. SO now I can SEE the bugs on these little traps, there are some pretty gross ones. Lucy even knows that when you see a bug you get toliet paper and flush it down the toliet---pretty crazy she knows how to deal with bugs!
There are huge spiders in Spokane! I can usually stomach killing a spider but I've found myself asking Kam to kill these ginormous spiders in our have my sympathy.
It is crazy to me that the bug guy comes every month and we still see a ton of bugs. Last time he was here he put down traps to see what bugs specifically we get so he can better spray for them.
Naton wide cash is easy and fast
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