Friday, December 31, 2010

Fare Thee Well

2010, you were not what I had expected.  On January 3 of our dear 2010, I wrote a post declaring to all (who read this blog) that 2010 was going to be a great year.  I could feel it.  I was a little misguided by my optimism I think.  I mean, it wasn't a bad year, could have been better, but it most definitely wasn't what I expected. 

To focus on the good seems appropriate nonetheless: Marcus did, in fact, receive his PhD after a lot of work.  He was selected for a post-doctoral program with Kaiser Permanente.  We continue to bunk with his parents (well, we have a separate room from them) until this post-doc is over (thank you!).  Sammy has continued to progress.  Callie is continuing to progress.  I've been busy to the 10th degree and so have accomplished much, but have also been distracted along the way and have NOT accomplished much of what I had intended.  I had thought that 2010 would bring a lot of changes within myself -- changes I felt would happen because I felt so motivated.  My entire world was going to change because I was ready.  Guess not.  And I really thought we'd have a baby by now.  We're still not even approved.  (big 'ole sigh)  Perhaps, though, we don't have a baby yet because I've been too busy to focus on what I need to do for myself to prepare us for a baby?  (sigh)

So, fare thee well 2010.  You brought me some good, but I'm ready for the fresh start.  This year, I have big plans.  Oh yes.  I am   s l o w i n g    d o w n.   That's my plan.  There are things I want to do, and I'll still do some of my projects.  I mean, really, you can take the girl out of the project, but you can't take the projects out of the girl.  uhhhh, that didn't turn out like I'd thought.  What I mean is that I'll always have some kind of project going on, but I'm also going to practice saying "no" to myself so that I'm not distracted from the more important things.  That's my thing this year -- my resolution I suppose.  Slow down.  And perhaps, 2011 will be the year that I had intended 2011 to be.  
So, ring in the New Year!  2011's my year.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Oh heavens!

I've been gone for so long ... gone from the world of blog. And, I'm going to make an attempt to come back.

Lately, I've been too busy, tired, and busy. In 2011, I'm slowing donw. I don't want to feel so old. I don't want to feel so spent all the time. So, I'm slowing down.

I'm not sure, yet, how much I'll attempt to catch-up. But there are a few things that are important to note.

* I bought a camera! And I absolutely LOVE it!!! Well worth the frustration, inner turmoil, and research. I love this baby. Sony NEX-5. More to come on that (most likely).

* Christmas was great. It's been fun to be around family.

* I expect New Year's to be good.

* I'm going to focus much more on writing again and get my book finished.

* I enlisted Scotty and we redid the laundry room. That means: wallpaper removed, mildew removed, cracked ceiling fixed, "frosted lemon" paint up on walls, white trim almost done, and it looks good. My perfectionist streak in me is dissatisfied with parts of it, but it looks good.

* I got some awesome awesome shoes for Christmas. I love shoes, and I love these.

* I'm questioning Santa and how I want to handle his legend with our kids as they grow up. I know it's fun. But to what end? It's a battle I've been having with myself for a few weeks now. I'll have the battle with Marcus as soon as I figure it out myself.

* I have decided what makes Christmas magical is the feeling of "good will toward men" that everyone has during this time of year. I love it.

* I have also decided that New Year's is a perfect time for resolutions...because the light of Christ is so abundant during the Christmas season, it seems so appropriate that come the new year, people would want to improve themselves...isn't that what the Spirit prompts us to do? Improve ourselves to become more like the Savior? I've spent some time thinking about this.

* I know I said I'm slowing down, but this year I'm also focusing on writing. I want to keep up on our blog again. I like blogging. I just do. But I'm wondering if I should keep Lil' Samsquatch or merge them. I mean, why do I need 2 separate blogs? A lot of people do it. My initial reason for it seemed appropriate, but now I'm wondering what the purpose is. Hm. Any thoughts on this?

* In terms of writing, I'll be working on my book, continuing to be a regular contributor to Kidz, and have recently been asked to be a regular contributor to Mormon Women, a blog about Mormon Women, but geared towards those who are not members of the LDS faith. I'm really excited about it. I think it'll be good.

* I can't stop watching House Hunters and Property Virgins. I'm on another HGTV kick and I can't stop. Do you know that it's still a seller's market in Lubbock, Texas and you buy a super cute home with 4 bedrooms, living, room, nice backyard, good kitchen, walk-in closets for $155,000? Yes people. Those homes exist...just not in San Jose, CA. Of that, I can assure you.

* The woman who created the Thera-tog (the suit that Sammy wears) will be coming to San Jose and doing a week long training session with all the therapists at Samantha's CCS. Her physical therapist wants to try to get Sammy to be used as a demonstration with Bobbie Cusak! How cool would that be?

And, I think that's it for right now.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Grinch Who Stole Christmas

This year we carried on our family tradition (three years standing) of creating a family Christmas movie.  The first year, we stuck to the tradition Nativity Story.  The following year, we took a stab at A Christmas Carol.  This proved to be far more difficult than the year before.  Children were older and uncooperative, there were more characters, and the filmer/director was at her wits end!  But, we pulled it off. 

This year, since we were all around, we extended the acting to another member of the family -- little Nate.  He did rather well, perhaps we'll allow him to audition again next year.  Thanks to Scotty for the awesome edit job!

So, sit back and enjoy The Grinch Who Stole Christmas -- Green Family style.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Party

Our ward just had their annual Christmas Party -- and even though I kept referring to it as the Ward Halloween Part (I'm really not that dumb to get St. Nick confused with a witch, but I must be on brain overload these days or something), it was quite fun.  There was an incredible band, Santa was there, great food, crafts for the kids.  Great night.

 This face is in no way a reflection of the fun that Callie had that night!

 Santa, in all his glory, appeared and visited with the children.  Sammy told him what she wanted for Christmas using some kind of telepathy.  This is Santa ya know.  He understands her just fine.

 Take 1: And Callie, after talking about Santa ALL DAY LONG, gave him this lovely face.  Santa was excited to see her (he knows her personally), called her by name, did all he could to get a smile from her, but she just looked like this. 

 Take 2:  ahhh forget it.  Santa's at least looking, and under that beard, I'm sure he's smiling.  His eyes are twinkling, so he must be smiling.

 Yeah for Sister Pack who played with Callie a bit.  Callie loves her Nursery leaders and was excited to see her.  But she was always very concerned about finding Brother Pack.  Much to her delight, she found him and he took her around.  I can't tell you how grateful I am for Nursery leaders who are amazing.

Other than the fact that Samantha looks like she's about to strangle Papa and then shoot lasers from her eyes to kill off all witnesses (and he smiles so unaware), she had a good time too.

 The Primary made Sammy her own crown.  She's a little wise man.

At the end of the evening, Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus came into the room (played by Mary, Kevin, and their-new-baby-I-forgot-his-name Isaacson).  All the Primary children followed them around until they ended up at the manger.  Callie joined in.  And Peggy took Sammy to walk around with everyone.  Marcus looked at me like, "Oh boy, Sammy's going to cause some commotion."  But, immediately, my eyes filled up with tears as she went with the other children...following Mary, Joseph, and Jesus.  I was so touched and felt how symbolic that truly is.  To have all the children following so they could come and see Jesus.  Even though Sammy was assisted, she made it to the manger.  It still makes me cry when I think of how tender and innocent and pure these kids are, and that my Sammy and Callie are among those.  I can't avoid this cliche; it really is an honor to be a mother.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

In the car...

last night running errands with Callie.

Mommy:  You know Callie, when a new baby comes, you'll get to sit in the back row all by yourself!
Callie:  We have a baby coming?
Mommy:  Well, not yet, but one day, and when that baby comes, you get to move your seat to the back.  Won't that be fun? 
Callie:  (thinking about it)
Mommy:  Do you want a baby?
Callie:  Yeah!  (pause)  We have a baby.  Sammy's my sister.  (slight pause)  Sammy looks like a baby, but she's not a baby.  She's my sister.
Mommy:  That's right.  Sammy's small isn't she?
Callie: Yeah
Mommy:  But is she a baby?
Callie:  No.  She's not a baby.
Mommy:  How old is Sammy?
Callie: Sammy's four. 
Mommy:  How old are you?
Callie:  I'm two.
Mommy:  She's older than you, but you do a really good job taking care of her.  She loves you so much.
Callie:  I love Sammy.

Callie will frequently tell me she loves Sammy.  She frequently informs me that we should go get her from school so they can play together.  But I've never had a conversation like this.  This is the first time Callie has shown me any indication that she understands there is something different about Samantha.  And I thought it was pretty sweet.  Callie is so sweet.  She's spunky and has some attitude, but she has such a tender loving heart...and I wish I could somehow get the tone of her voice through on the computer here...but it was so sweet as she talked about Sammy.  I love my girls so much.  I just love them.

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Christmas Tree

Yes, tonight we went to the parking lot by Big Lots and picked up our Christmas Tree.  Our camera battery died before we could get our family picture, so Peggy took one with her camera.  I'll get that from her eventualy.  

No, this is not the tree we bought, but it was a good Callie/Sammy size.

I just love this picture of Callie.  Such a cutie.


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