Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Samantha the Star

The Foundation for Children with Microcephaly had their 1st Annual Convention this year. I had planned on going, and my mom offered to fly out to go with me. I was in Scottsdale, AZ and I was really looking forward to going. But then some other things happened. My priorities changed when we were able to adopt Callie. I thought it would be just a little too complicated right now to travel to AZ for this conference with both of them. Plus, we couldn't take Callie out of the state until it was finalized...which happened today. (Yippee!!)

My mother-in-law called tonight and left a message on my voicemail. It seems, even though Samantha wasn't attending the conference, her star status did. Check out this picture. She's on the slideshow that they had during the conference. What a cutie!



Emily said...

Jen, We're so happy that the adoption was finalized in time. Hope you have a wonderful experience in the temple! Love,Em

Heidi said...

What a cutie! And what a kind, thoughtful, sensitive, sweet and generous mother in law you have (hee hee)


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