Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin

I remember my friend, Julia, reading The Westing Game and loving it.  I tried.  I really did.  But I quickly lost interest.  I think, quite honestly, my young mind couldn't follow the story.  It changes perspectives frequently and I just couldn't keep up.  Now, nearly 25 years later, as I was looking for a new book to read and came across The Westing Game, I figured I'd give it a try.  I'm so glad I did.  Because, it was altogether awesome.

The plot: Man dies (Westing).  Leaves a ton of money for people....who are all somehow connected to him.  He accuses 1 of them of being the killer.  They have to figure out who did it in order to win the money.

Reaction: I loved it.  I really did.  It's fun and I was surprised.  I liked piecing it all together, and then being wrong, and putting it all together again.  It's a young adult Clue.  Does it get better than that?!  I really enjoyed the individual characters.  It was a good mix of personalities and backgrounds...psychologically messed up, physically disabled, submissive, and overbearing.  You have a little of everything and it blends so well together...with a GREAT ending.  I loved how it concludes.

I suggest it 100%.

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